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Preço online: 48,00 €
Russell Hobbs 22560-56 FiestaThis versatile Electric Fondue Maker is easy use has keep warm function ensure its contents stay tasty. It has 2 litre capacity so there´ll be plenty go around, six fondue forks easy dipping, eve...
Levantamento Lisboa (2ª - 6ª): 49,5€
Expedido em 2 a 4 dias úteis
Marca: Russell Hobbs
Modelo: 23267 036 002
EAN: 4008496853144
Ref. Coditek: P188193
Envio Portugal : 5€ / Reg. Autónomas: 32€
13,5€Todos os valores têm IVA incluído
Russell Hobbs 22560-56 Fiesta
This versatile Electric Fondue Maker is easy para use e has a keep warm function para ensure its contents stay tasty. It has a 2 litre capacity so there´ll be plenty para go around, e with six fondue forks para easy dipping, everyone can help themselves.
It also has a constant source of power, so there’s no need para worry about candles or gas flames going out. Which also means the pot will heat up faster e the temperature of your fondue will be even throughout. With its stainless steel dishwasher-safe bowl, it´s an easy appliance para clean e maintain para use time e again..
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